if you know me, you know my intense love for pottery barn coz it's so freaking fantastic, fan-faking-tastic.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
how you know when it's close to the end
it's taken them 34 years to find me and now this, fack! my ticket has been punched.

if you know me, you know my intense love for pottery barn coz it's so freaking fantastic, fan-faking-tastic.
if you know me, you know my intense love for pottery barn coz it's so freaking fantastic, fan-faking-tastic.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Should have learned by now
The view from my bedroom window, you can just make out the tops of the west hills, this was the other night. I digress..... anyway
A Sunday cycling fiasco,
It's 8.45 Sunday morning, Headed out the door on my rain bike, right there indicates a problem don’t it.
4C / 39F, weather forecast couldn’t decide between showers and rain, so I chose to go dressed optimistically, thats the 1st bad move.
On today’s agenda, meet the boys at the coffee shop up the road and head out for a long 70 mile ride, long rolling hills, climbs and some fast decants. 5 hours later back soaked bone, my toes totally blue after being in waterlogged shoes, hands numb - I couldn’t feel my fingers. What happened? well drizzle lasted 5 mins then turned to solid rain. The route was good, somewhat hilly and rolling out to the east, Climbing hills is alright, keeps you warm. The problem is of 2 things, as you get higher the rain freezes and turns to snow. Then you have to freeze your arse off at 35mph on the decent.
Yeah woulda thought I’d have learned by now. Stood in warm shower for about 20mins wondering why hell I do this.
Other stuff going on.
I’m loving the new house - still a few things to sort out, but otherwise all good.
I went snowboarding on wed with my boss so technically it s working right? got home and the turtle tank was all cloudy , I thought to myself that water pump must have gone. no - the turtle had munched on the fish - yeah fish chunks floating around and nasty fish oils covering everything, had to clean the whole bloody tank.
It looks fancy, but it's really not, I think they did a good job on the appearance to make it look like it's worth a lot more than it actually is.
This is what happens when the turtle comes out of the tank, she finds the nearest warm dark place, in this instance a camera case.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Some good powder
Saturday, March 7, 2009
You would think people who live in house with carpet would have a vacuum cleaner!
So I moved into my new place on Tuesday.
Took the day off work, enlisted the help of a few friends, hired a truck. Things went smooth, I really did not have a lot to move. Being a first time buyer new homeowner it feels great to have your own place, it's almost like being in a nice hotel for me! the place seems large, but the layout, style, location and everything else is perfect, so happy.
Things that are crossing my mind right now.
• I don't have enough furniture to fill this place, and when I say enough, I really don't have any! I'd really like to stay minimal and not buy stuff for the sake of acting like a regular homeowner.
• I have a wicked garage and really love it. My car is never going in it, it will be filled with bikes and bike related awesomeness. My garage is big enough that I can easily ride around in it. And I might host a few races! not.
• The bloke who I bought the house from obviously did not have a vacuum, or if he did, then he failed to use it. Pretty strange, 75% of this place is carpet, I can understand if you have wood floors, just need a swiffer sweeper yeah. It is also strange because the bloke who I bought the house from seemed very particular, detail orientated and picky not slobby. Anyway to vacing inches of built up dust n dirt from around the skirting boards is pretty disgusting. After doing one small room, it would fill the hoover bag, think i'm joking, well check out the pic. nasty.
• I love skylights, they are everywhere in my house and make a big difference.
• I think i'm gonna get wood floor put in my living room, when I save some $ that is.
• I work for a rack company, yet I still tie mattresses to the top of the car.
• Where did the other half of the IKEA bathroom man go?
• I love this from IKEA... yeah it's cheap but the functional design aspects are nice, it slides to expand and it manages the runoff water from the crockery really well.
• The dishwasher doesn't work, the gas range works awesome, looks ugly. I really need to upgrade the refrigerator to something from after 1979!
• Neon Lilly pads always look good in any bathroom.
• I need to buy more plants for my cool mini greenhouse that is attached to my kitchen window.
Well, that's it for now. If you want to send me a house warming gift, that would be cool, bear in mind that i'm picky and I like designer/modern/contemporary things, not wood carvings, dried flowers, russian pottery or other ugly shite. Go here if you want to buy me some furniture or cool stuff ... DWR
Why do my pants seem to match the door From Moving to 325 |
Took the day off work, enlisted the help of a few friends, hired a truck. Things went smooth, I really did not have a lot to move. Being a first time buyer new homeowner it feels great to have your own place, it's almost like being in a nice hotel for me! the place seems large, but the layout, style, location and everything else is perfect, so happy.
Things that are crossing my mind right now.
• I don't have enough furniture to fill this place, and when I say enough, I really don't have any! I'd really like to stay minimal and not buy stuff for the sake of acting like a regular homeowner.
From Moving to 325 |
• I have a wicked garage and really love it. My car is never going in it, it will be filled with bikes and bike related awesomeness. My garage is big enough that I can easily ride around in it. And I might host a few races! not.
• The bloke who I bought the house from obviously did not have a vacuum, or if he did, then he failed to use it. Pretty strange, 75% of this place is carpet, I can understand if you have wood floors, just need a swiffer sweeper yeah. It is also strange because the bloke who I bought the house from seemed very particular, detail orientated and picky not slobby. Anyway to vacing inches of built up dust n dirt from around the skirting boards is pretty disgusting. After doing one small room, it would fill the hoover bag, think i'm joking, well check out the pic. nasty.
From Moving to 325 |
• I love skylights, they are everywhere in my house and make a big difference.
Looking downstairs From Moving to 325 |
From Moving to 325 |
• I think i'm gonna get wood floor put in my living room, when I save some $ that is.
• I work for a rack company, yet I still tie mattresses to the top of the car.
IKEA From Moving to 325 |
• Where did the other half of the IKEA bathroom man go?
From Moving to 325 |
• I love this from IKEA... yeah it's cheap but the functional design aspects are nice, it slides to expand and it manages the runoff water from the crockery really well.
From Moving to 325 |
• The dishwasher doesn't work, the gas range works awesome, looks ugly. I really need to upgrade the refrigerator to something from after 1979!
From Moving to 325 |
• Neon Lilly pads always look good in any bathroom.
From Moving to 325 |
• I need to buy more plants for my cool mini greenhouse that is attached to my kitchen window.
From Moving to 325 |
Monday, March 2, 2009
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