
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Eric Kautzky Memorial track race

Why do I bother? maybe this is a common thought.... ok positivity on, this last weekend was the first track race of the season, I went in thinking I would be stronger this season. I came out coughing like I smoked cigarettes. Maybe I shoulda had a bit more track time? a bit more intensity to blow all the crap outta my lungs, maybe, maybe just I should think before I ride.
I realized that my thought process is severely lacking but it goes like this.

1) Should I go off the front and try and try and stay off? Yes goto 3) No goto 2).
2) Ok sit midpack, get blocked in mid race. Achieve nothing.
3) Off the front, hammer the crap outta 2 laps, get points, do whatever, about lap 3 feel some pain, get passed from above, sit at the back. Achieve nothing.

maybe time to change my thinking? no shit.

After coughing a lung up and some rather shoddy performances, I managed to jangle up a 6th place position. Pretty lame but at least earned 3pts at least for my lameness.

This weekend is Reach the Beach which is a good cause ride to the beach from Portland, 100 miles and track racing Friday night.

1 comment:

Paul Francis and Jana Bree said...

come on man, more pics of your half naked neighbor. Do we have to ask?