
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Teak is IT! The PDX Ronde 2011 is not it!

Teak is it! (Plantation teak of course!)
- about bloody time for a dining room table!

more furniture coming soon, as Cassie is making me buy stuff!

PDX Ronde April 17th 2011
A year seems to have rolled by quick, I can still remember the pain from the 2010 PDX Ronde. The annual unsanctioned bike ride which climbs the steepest hills in Portland on a 50mile course.

There are two climbs which are very steep, the rest is just long and grueling. The first is Brynwood which is ony 0.3 miles long but very steep grade, most people cannot ride it. You are stood up on the pedals almost falling over the handlebars leaning forward, moving at less than 4mph.
The second climb is College which is a bit longer and not quite as steep as Brynwood but the same thing, turning the pedals so slow, leaning right over the bars to stop you from falling back, yet trying to have some weight on the back wheel to make you go.

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