
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Idiot car drivers #1

this is gonna happen soon

Getting fed up with idiot car drivers. This last week has had quite a few incidents. This am for example riding to work. Turned onto the small narrow country road with a few blind corners, speed limit 25, I'm riding 28,29 slight downhill, car comes up behind me, lays on the horn, passes me on a blind curve at I would guess about 40.

Soon the car hits a bit of regular traffic moving at 30ish, I'm on the tail of the car that just passed me. Red light ahead, car in left lane, I approach the driver with a what the bloody hell face. Driver is on cell phone, (illegal in oregon). Driver rolls down window but continues to talk to her friend about this irate cyclist and how cyclists are so dangerous. Car pulls up in the right hand lane, driver rolls down window and shouts "your in the wrong lady, I was right behind you and saw it all." There is no reasoning with this bitch. She says "I am a cyclist too" Fuck you bitch, you put my life on the line in a dangerous situation, when I was clearly causing you no harm or inconvenience. Not that inconvenience should be a reason to endanger someone's life. Fucking bitch. I ride off. I know it's the 80/20 law, and it also applies to inconsiderate dangerous cyclists, but I'm encountering a lot of the 20 in cars of recent.

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