
Sunday, June 1, 2008

Obra Team Time Trail

The Oregon Bicycle Racing Association (OBRA) hold a Team time Trial once a year, this year we decided to represent - Basically it's see how fast you can go over a fairly flat terrain, competing against other teams. The event was this last weekend. We had 4 riders for an all out 27.4 mile course, we finished at 1:08hr, averaging 25.7mph. For 4 guys with no time trail experience or specific equipment, I think we did pretty well. It was tough and we did not have a lot of experience, and riding full on for an hour is gruesome - so there you go.
(left to right) Me, Joe, Jeff and Dave

(left to right) Joe, Jeff, Me and out of sight Dave.

At the pub afterwards

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very nice! Hope you are doing good! TTYL.