This is a little shout out to my friend Dave, of current, I work with Dave at Yakima and he also rides for the Bike Vigilantes. Of current Dave is a man of injury, this great injury came of greatness, courage and speed. Dave broke his collarbone by executing a large man flip over the handlebars of his zesty cross bike, of course this was under race conditions and at high speed, thus resulting in bone breakage.
The other bit of a bummer here is that Dave is a monster, yes, a bike monster, Dave has had a particularly good season, getting faster winning races, catting up. really fearlessly tearing it up out there, unlike myself who had a few mechanical but then lost all motivation mid season like a big looser.
I can also sympathise with Dave, for when I tore my bicep where it connects at my shoulder, I soon realized that life is pretty tough without the use of one arm and also the long long time it takes to heal. The good news for Dave is that bones heal quicker that tissue, and there are less long term side affects (I think my shoulder still bothers me now) so he will be back on the bike in no time at all, getting some fat and dark winter miles for the onslaught of next season when I'm sure he will be a Cat 3 roadie.
Dave keep your chin up mate.

Dave in action (read more about Bike Vigilantes by clicking the image )