Take look at this photo, store it in your memory banks and next time you go to one of those American blue boxes, think about this image and how well the type is designed, the legibility and at a glance clarity, the kerning and lettering size, then you will come to the conclusion that Yes, the British are design savvy in too many ways to mention.

Wow, you're right, we should just let the British take over the world again, we'd have such fine mail boxes.
What do you mean again?
The good old U S of A has been in charge for the last 70 years in case you've been asleep Mr. Anonymous. But we're in the midst of handing the reigns over to China, unless of course we should reconsider the notion of such finely crafted mail boxes.
Such fine craftmanship and typography is only available in the UK. And by the way, the brits have owned China foreva and one day on the DL, so yeah, world domination to you Mr. Big Mac and Fries.
Its part of the plan, we destroy cultures with artery hardening processed foods. Who doesn't like deep fried turkey? We could do a kick ass mail box if we wanted to...
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