This Friday night was well sorted , the 2009 Team Beer Bowling Invitational. 10 of Portlands cycle teams were invited to compete in a night of ten pin.
Dressed in white painters suits (coveralls) representing with Yakima Logos and Spray painted skulls, gold chains and gold $$ signs, we managed to win Best Costume trophy. (remember these are bike guys so they think they have to wear spandex everywhere)
After making it through to the 1/4 finals we got closed down by Bike City Racing before the semi finals, only by a few points (I think less than 50 total game). We lost to a team which included a pro bowler, read wrist support, own custom ball and big dollop of lame.
We got a lot of props for our unique warm up jives, which include Lane Lame Push ups and Striker Saucy Situps before our turn to roll.
Team Ironclad won the night, with strike after strike - with a lot of talk on the street about an outside ringer being employed ;)
update* the guys rolling were actually Obra racers - Ironclad wanted to make sure that was known.
So it's true, Yakima Vigilantes have balls and can roll em.
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