
Monday, March 22, 2010

The Visit Plan pt.1

Mum and Sis are coming to visit in April, I feel the needed to be a grown up boy, get my shit together and put on a good face for their visit. Here's the "out of bachelor" to somewhat homeowner plan. plus a few points on the end that have nothing to do with anything.

1) buy a fancy TV, so it looks like I am a normal person. (as you can see, it still has the plastic wrap on!)

2) Paint the guest bedroom, which had terrible bland colour and dirty marks on the walls. Throw up some new blinds make all look good. Oh and by the way, the colour is actually a lot nicer than what it looks, in these photos it looks too green.

3) Get some new shit from Ikea to make me look less bachelor like. Table things, maybe a lamp, maybe some sheets for the spare bed. hum... figure it out mate,.

4) Observe fat people in Chipoltle after stopping by for a post bike ride burrito.

5) Found a sweet hand spray painted car, just around the corner from my house, note the gold painted wheels and side view mirrors.


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