While I was riding home tonight, I was deep in thought - (probably not such a bright idea what with with Chicago traffic) so yes, death, strange subject right, I haven't read any books and don't know about the human process but when my grandfather passed away, i hid all my emotions inside and locked away those good memories of him, that was my entire grieving process I think - I don't remember feeling angry or sad. This past week I have been crabby, easily irritated and testy, reflecting back on the phonecall of last friday, I'm not too sure what was going on in my head but it makes me realize once again how far (physically) I am from my family), the British thing as always, is putting on a good show, strong face, grin and bear it, being strong, charging on for the better, yes that's in me and I think my mum always encouraged this, she said well they would not want you feeling sad or sorry, just getting on with life and what not. But I reckon that I should apologize to my co workers and even some of my clients for being snappy.
Now for some good news, well news on a different slant.
Since last June I have been keeping my eye on the job market, when I left my job at Radius in Chicago, I interviewed at many other design consultancies and got offers from 2, both of which I turned down because it did not feel like the right fit.So in early September I found a job posting for a company called Yakima - they design and manufacture racks to transport Canoes, Kayaks, Ski's , Snowboards and Bicycles on top of your car. in fact I have had a Yakima rack for a long time and have high regard for their design and engineering, they are one of the premier players in this field. The job posting was for a Sr. Industrial Designer. I applied for the job, sent some samples, heard nothing. I was being very selective about what I applied for and I only applied for jobs in the Action / outdoor sports industries. So I had not made loads of applications. then in late December I got a call, it was a screening interview from the hiring manager at Yakima... then quiet... then at the very end of January I had a few interviews and they made me a job offer. - guess what, I accepted, I would be silly not too. I remember thinking back in September that it would be a great industry to work/design for.
It's gonna be sad to leave Chicago, not for overall reasons but very specific ones.
• My boss at the bikeshop - Doug, I am pretty sure he is the best boss I have ever had. Doug has mastered the fine balance of the ultimate boss, the balance of how to be supportive yet not micro managing, he empowers his employees and trusts everyone and guess what - look at his business - it does very well.
• I'll miss all the people I learn from ... James, Russell and maybe Louis.
• I'll miss Erin & Smokey dog.
• I'll miss how you can be king of the road on your bike, city drivers know that the ulock can take out expensive car window and mirrors with a minor tap never to catch the traffic weaving cyclist - that brings a level of 2 wheel respect.
• Ignoring red lights, riding the wrong way down one way streets. Trackstands at every occasion.
• Stinky bike messengers - god bless you guys, your hardcore and you are keeping it real with your low carbon footprints amoung the myriad of SUV driving cellphone talking idiots.
• The lakefront path, early 7am in the summer before all the idiots get on there.
Things i'm not gonna miss
• Chicago Yuppies - these are regular yuppies, but they have no manners, don't say Please or Thank You and their lives revolve around them and generating $$$ at the expense of nothing else. Now put your iphone down while you are driving and try not to run over that pedestrian with your lex suv.
• Overpriced groceries at Dominick's.