Well i'm still here, in an extended stay hotel in Beaverton. I was going to take some pictures to post here, but if you google the words "Beaverton Suburb Strip Mall Boring" you will get a whole host of true images. I guess people with families and single people wanting cheap rent far from the city live here. It's not bad, it's just like any suburb, no character and you have to drive everywhere.Apartment complexes and large single family houses. the open roads are good to ride on though!

Apartment searching is poor, not a lot of things are interesting me at the moment. I have seen a few places so most don't fit. I'm really thinking of living in the Hawthorn area, its pretty popular and a little grungy, has a lot of character. Most ofthe propertys are homes which are small single family or small homes which have been split into 2 or 3 apartments, very residential, urban, neigbourhood. There is an opportunity of a house share just off of 40th and Hawthorne, which is a cool area near the Bagdad Theatre and Pub (shown below) ...link here

Work is going well, 2nd week , just getting used to the routine and getting back into the world of meetings and companys, much different than working for yourself for sure. My legs have been so tired this week from so much riding and not being used to riding hills and longer distances. But if I live over on the East side it's going to be a 38mile a day bike ride round trip! should keep me fit.
Enough for now.
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